Content Posted in 2025
A Defendant's Right to Exculpatory Evidence: Does the Constitutional Duty to Disclose Exculpatory Evidence Extend to New Evidence Discovered Post-Conviction, Todd E. Jaworksy
Administrative Pitfalls of Litigating under the Florida Civil Rights Act, Kenneth M. Curtin
Advance Directives: Taking Control of End-of-Life Decisions, Anita Cava
Algorithmic Dead Hands: What is Dead May Never Die, Zachary L. Catanzaro
Alternatives in Fighting Street Gangs: Criminal Anti-Gang Ordinances v. Public Nuisance Laws, Silvia Perez
A Protestant Perspective on the New Genetics: Are People and Institutions of Faith Prepared to Lead, Jesse C. Jones
Are Medical Ethics Different From Legal Ethics?, Mervin H. Needell
Bad Women Deserve Equal Protection: A Look at the Constitutionality of the Florida Prostitution Statute, Patricia Padrino
Begging the Court's Pardon: Justice Denied for the Poorest of the Poor, Daniel M. Cohen
Bio-Ethics and Physician Liability: The Liability Effects of Developing Pain Management Standards, Steven E. Stark
Charles Dickens' Bleak House: Mr. Tulkinghorn as a Successful Literary Lawyer, Maureen E. Markey
Community Participation and Representation in Genetic Studies: Testing the Application of Fundamental Ethical Principles, Arturo Brito
Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials, Custom Edition, Christian L. Gonzalez-Rivera
Defending Indigenous Peoples' Heritage: An Introduction, Siegfried Wiessner
Editor in Chief's Welcome, D. Michael Bitz
Embryonic Stem Cell Research as an Ethical Issue: On the Emptiness of Symbolic Value, Kevin P. Quinn
End-of-Life Care in Florida: Should the Law Follow the Lobbyists or the People's Wishes, Alison Cossetti
Environmental Federalism in the United States and the European Union: A Harmonic Convergence, Alfred R. Light
Equality of Arms and the Adversarial Process: A New Constitutional Right, Jay Sterling Silver
Exercising Self-Determination Without Jeopardising the Rights of the Others: The Catalan Model, Puig I. Scotoni
"Extraordinary or Specialized Training"--As a "Legitimate Business Interest"--In Restrictive Covenant Employment Law: Florida and National Perspectives, Frank J. Cavico
Federal-State Relations: The Allocation and Distribution of Powers of Government in the United States, Edward D. Re
Florida Legal History: The Courts and Law during the Civil War, Reconstruction and Restoration Eras, Robert W. Lee
Genetic Breakthroughs and the Limits of Medicine: Short Stature, Growth Hormone, and the Idea of Dysfunction, Peter H. Schwartz
Genetic Research in Third World (Developing) Countries--Science or Exploitation, Anthony Mullings
Gentetically Engineering People: A Jewish Law Analysis of Personhood, Michael J. Broyde
Good Science or Myopia: Will the 1991 Everglades Settlement Lead to an Optimal Restoration or Will Phosporus Reductions be Taken Too Far, William H. Green and Gary V. Perko
Health Care in America: Why We Need Universal Health Care and Why We Need It Now, James B. Roche
Human Capabilities and Human Authorities: A Comment on Martha Nussbaum's Women and Human Development, Robin West
Immediate Clinical Applications of the New Genetic Technology, R Rodney Howell
Independent Traditional Seminole Nation: Defending our Heritage and Our Land, Bobby Billie
Indigenous Autonomy and Its Problems: A Vision from the Russian Far East, Petra Rethmann
Innocent of Empirical Rigor, Derry Ridgway
Introduction to Everglades Symposium Special Topic, J. Allison DeFoor II and Jennifer L. Fitzwater
Introductory Remarks on the Occasion of the 2001 St. Thomas Bioethics Symposium, John Makdisi
Islam and the New Genetics, Mohamed Fadel
Judicial Review of Security Clearances for Homosexual Post--U.S. Department of the Navy v. Egan, Christopher Scott Maravilla
Keynote Address: The Human Genome Project: The Central Ethical Challenge, Edmund D. Pellegrino
Knowledge and Wisdom: Human Genetic Interventions with Religious Insight, Kevin Fitzgerald
Lawyers as Prophets, Thomas L. Shaffer
Legal Ethics & Religion: An Oxymoron Essay, Helen Berrigan
Making Sense Out of Nevada v. Hicks: A Reinterpretation, Alex Tallchief Skibine
Maritime Law Uniformity and Federalism after Yamaha V and Dohsa Amendment: For Whom the Bell Tolls, Attilio M. Costabel
Marriage and Domestic Violence in the United States: New Perspectives about Legal Strategies to Combat Domestic Violence, Lynn D. Wardle
Miccosukee Wars in the Everglades: Settlement, Litigation, and Regulation to Restore an Ecosystem, Alfred R. Light
On Genetic Engineering and the Idea of the Sacred: A Secular Argument, Gregory E. Kaebnick
Preserving Our Seminole Heritage: The Mission of the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum, Billy Cypress
President's Welcome, Franklyn M. Casale
Professionalism and the Hidden Assault on the Adversarial Process, Jay Sterling Silver
Protection for Indigenous Knowledge: an International Law Analysis, Miriam L. Quinn
Revisiting the Impact of California's Mandatory Custody Mediation Program on Victims of Domestic Violence through a Feminist Positionality Lens, Lauri Boxer-Macomber
Science, Philosophy, and the Courts, Jason Borenstein
Sovereignty Myths and Intergovernmental Realities: The Etiquette of Tribal Federalism, Alfred R. Light
The Accordion of the Thirteenth Amendment: Quasi-Persons and the Right of Self-Interest, Richard M. Lebovitz
The Ayllu: The Basic Social Unit of the Aymara People, Tomas Alarcon
The Battered Women Syndrome in Florida: Junk Science or Admissible, Jay B. Rosman
The Case Against Tamanaha's Motel 6 Model of Legal Education, Jay Sterling Silver
The Collapsing "No Damages for Delay" Clause in Florida Public Construction Contracts: A Call for Legislative Change, Alain Lecusay
The Concepts of Self-Determination and Autonomy of Indigenous Peoples in the Draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Erica-Irene A. Daes
The Disenfranchisement of Federal Employee: Why the Federal Government Does not Follow the Fair Labor Standards Act, D Aaron Lacy
The Everglades Ecosystem: From Engineering to Litigation to Consensus-Based Restoration, John J. Fumero and Keith W. Rizzardi
The Evolving Right of Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples, Paul J. Magnarella
The Great Cookie Caper: Internet Privacy and Target Marketing at Home and Abroad, Jason A. Kotzker
The Human Genome in the Public View: Genetics, Geneticists, and Eugenics, Mary Kay Pelias and Nathan J. Markward
The Intersection of Law and Medicine Legal Ethics in Medicine: Foreword, Kathy L. Cerminara
The Law of Obscenity - or Absurdity, H. Franklin Robbins Jr. and Steven G. Mason
The Movement toward Federalism in Italy: A Policy-Oriented Perspective, Siegfried Wiessner
The Myth of Machismo: An Everyday Reality for Latin American Women, Patricia M. Hernandez
The Need for the Expansion of Military Reservists' Rights in Furtherance of the Total Force Policy: A Comparison of the USERRA and ADA, Andy P. Fernandez
The New Institutional Italian Organization: The Federalism - The Experience of Other European States and the U.S. System, Nerio Marino
The Nexus between Intellectual Property Piracy, International Law, the Internet, and Cultural Values, David J. Stephenson Jr.
Theory and Reality in Statutory Interpretation, Harold P. Southerland
The People Drunk or the People Sober - Direct Democracy Meets the Supreme Court of Florida, Thomas Rutherford
The Recognition of Indigenous Peoples' and Community Traditional Knowledge in International Law, Rosemary J. Coombe
The Role of Comparative Law in Statutory and Constitutional Interpretation, Jens C. Dammann
The South Carolina Secession Statement of 1860 and the One Florida Initiative: The Limits of a Historical Analogy and the Possibility of Racial Reconciliation, Martina D. Carcieri
The Three Nixon Cases and Their Parallels in Malaysia, Myint Zan
The Trends Towards Federalism in Italy, Carlo Dapelo
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Domestic Courts, Edward D. Re
This Time For Sure--A Political and Legal History of Water Control Projects in Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades, David G. Guest
Too Young to Understand--Extending Equal Access to All Children in Public Schools Regardless of Age, David Woodcock
Truth, Justice, and the American Way: The Case against the Client Perjury Rules, Jay Sterling Silver
Unhappy Anniversary - Thirty Years since Miller v. California: The Legacy of the Supreme Court's Misjudgement on Obscenity, Daniel Mark Cohen
Voluntariness with a Vengeance: Miranda and a Modern Alternative, Jonathan B. Zeitlin
Voluntary Intoxication in Florida: Public Policy Versus Due Process and Why Florida's Intoxication Statute Cannot Withstand a Constitutional Challenge, Michael L. Elkins
Von Eiff v. Azicri: An Important Step in the Refinement of Grandparent Visitation Analysis, Joan Catherine Bohl