Submissions from 2004
The Socratic Screenplay: Law, Allegory and Science Fiction in John and Joyce Corrington's Screenplays for The Omega Man and Battle for The Planet of The Apes, Lenora P. Ledwon
Dean W. Edward Sell – Our Dedicated Law Review Advisor and Unwavering Supporter, Ira Steven Nathenson
The "C" Word: Collegiality Real or Imaginary, And Should It Matter in A Tenure Process, Leonard Pertnoy
Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence and Human Rights Abuses In Internal Conflict: Toward A World Public Order of Human Dignity, Siegfried Wiessner and Andrew R. Willard
Monetary And Regulatory Hobbling: The Acquisition of Real Property by Public Institutions of Higher Education in Florida, Carol L. Zeiner
Submissions from 2003
When Democracy Dies Behind Closed Doors: The First Amendment and ‘Special Interest’ Hearings, Lauren Gilbert
The Poetics of Evidence: Some Applications From Law & Literature, Lenora P. Ledwon
A Reality Check on Istihsan as a Method of Islamic Legal Reasoning, John Makdisi
Improving Education-Delivery in the Twenty-First Century, John Makdisi
Submissions from 2002
Bargain Avoidance in A Competitive Bargain Market: The Car Sales Conundrum, Stephen Plass
Public Opinion and The Demise Of Affirmative Action, Stephen Plass
Die Schule Von New Haven: Darstellung und Kritik Einer Amerikanischen Völkerrechtslehre, Siegfried Wiessner
The Movement Toward Federalism in Italy: A Policy-Oriented Perspective, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 2001
A New United Nations Subsidiary Organ: The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, John Carey and Siegfried Wiessner
Academic Freedom After Edwards, David K. DeWolf
The Catholic University as Promise and Project: Reflections in a Jesuit Idiom, David K. DeWolf
Storytelling And Contracts, Lenora P. Ledwon
Post-Judgment Relief In Domestic Relations Cases: Does the Process Ever End?, Leonard Pertnoy
Defending Indigenous Peoples’ Heritage: An Introduction, Siegfried Wiessner
Intellectual Property and Indigenous Peoples: An Overview, Siegfried Wiessner
Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence, Siegfried Wiessner and Andrew R. Willard
Submissions from 2000
Teaching the Origins Controversy: Science, or Religion, or Speech, David K. DeWolf
Ending the Reign of Slot Machine Justice, Michael J. Hasday
Common Sense, Contracts, and Law and Literature: Why Lawyers Should Read Henry James, Lenora P. Ledwon
Diaries And Hearsay: Gender, Selfhood, And The Trustworthiness of Narrative Structure, Lenora P. Ledwon
Dualism And Overlooked Class Consciousness in American Labor Laws, Stephen Plass
Joining Control to Authority: The Hardened “Indigenous Norm”, Siegfried Wiessner
The 2000 Revision of The United Nations Draft Principles and Guidelines on The Protection of The Heritage of Indigenous People, Siegfried Wiessner and Marie Battiste
Sex, Race, and Age: Double Discrimination in Torts and Taxes, Mark J. Wolff
Submissions from 1999
The Islamic Origins of Common Law, John Makdisi
Would Alan Dershowitz Be Hired to Teach Law at a Catholic Law School? Catholicizing, Neo-Brandeising, and an American Constitutional Policy Response, Leonard Pertnoy and Daniel Gordon
iEsa India! LatCrit Theory and the Place of Indigenous Peoples Within Latina/o Communities, Siegfried Wiessner
Professor Myres S. McDougal: A Tender Farewell, Siegfried Wiessner
Rights and Status of Indigenous Peoples: A Global Comparative and International Legal Analysis, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1998
Melodrama and Law: Feminizing The Juridical Gaze, Lenora P. Ledwon
Internet Infoglut and Invisible Ink: Spamdexing Search Engines with Meta Tags, Ira Steven Nathenson
A Child's View of Recovery Under The National Childhood Vaccine Act or 'He Who Hesitates Is Lost', Leonard Pertnoy
Truth: The Lost Virtue in Title VII Litigation, Stephen Plass
Submissions from 1997
Showdown at the Domain Name Corral: Property Rights and Personal Jurisdiction over Squatters, Poachers, and other Parasites, Ira Steven Nathenson
Introduction - Indigenous Renascence: Law, Culture & Society in the 21st Century, Siegfried Wiessner
The Proposed American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1996
Maternity as a Legal Fiction: Infanticide and Sir Walter Scott's The Heart of Midlothian, Lenora P. Ledwon
Native American Life Stories And "Authorship": Legal and Ethical Issues, Lenora P. Ledwon
An Attorney's Right to Retain Fees Derived From a Fraudulent Law Suit, Leonard Pertnoy
Submissions from 1995
Conference on the International Protection of Reproductive Rights Preface, Lauren Gilbert
Rights, Refugee Women & Reproductive Health, Lauren Gilbert
Islamic Law Bibliography: Revised and Updated List of Secondary Sources, John Makdisi and Marianne Makdisi
The Foreign Amici Dilemma, Stephen Plass
The Illusion and Allure of Textualism, Stephen Plass
American Indian Treaties and Modern International Law, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1994
Criminalization of an Epidemic: HIV-AIDS and Criminal Exposure Laws, John F. Hernandez
Perinatal Transmission of HIV: Cause For the Resurrection Of Wrongful Life, John F. Hernandez
Skills Is Not a Dirty Word, Leonard Pertnoy
Equality of Arms and the Adversarial Process: A New Constitutional Right, Jay Sterling Silver
Professionalism and the Hidden Assault on the Adversarial Process, Jay Sterling Silver
Truth, Justice, and the American Way: The Case against the Client Perjury Rules, Jay Sterling Silver
Submissions from 1993
Outing in The Time of Aids: Legal And Ethical Considerations, John F. Hernandez
"Lights, Camera, Action": Presenting the Medical Expert in Trial, Leonard Pertnoy
The Juror's Need to Know vs. The Constitutional Right to a Fair Trial, Leonard Pertnoy
Federalism: An Architecture for Freedom, Siegfried Wiessner
Federalism: An Architecture for Freedom, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1992
Order in The Court, Leonard Pertnoy
Arbitrating, Waiving and Deferring Title VII Claims, Stephen Plass
Bedrock Principles, Elusive Construction, and the Future of Equal Employment Laws, Stephen Plass
Dickman Confined: The Taxation Of Gratuitous Transfers of Use, Mark J. Wolff
Chattel Paper Financing: Metaphysical Property and Real Money, Julianna Zekan
Comparative Negligence under the Code: Protecting Negligent Banks against Negligent Customers, Julianna Zekan
Submissions from 1991
Liability for Manufacturers in Washington: When Is Strict Liability Appropriate, David K. DeWolf
Equal Protection: The Jurisprudence of Denial and Evasion, Donald E. Lively and Stephen Plass
Hard Cases and Human Judgment In Islamic and Common Law, John Makdisi
Judicial Versus Legislative Charting of National Economic Policy: Plotting a Democratic Course for Minority Entrepreneurs, Stephen Plass
Testing Hair Follicles for Drugs: In Search of Privacy, Accuracy, and Reliability, Stephen Plass
Equal Protection and the Rehnquist Court: Compounding a Legacy of Constitutional Vagrancy, Stephen Plass and Donald E. Lively
And God Created Woman. But to Be a Criminal Defense Attorney?, Ellen Podgor and Leonard Pertnoy
Law and Peace in A Changing World, Siegfried Wiessner
Staatsangehörigkeit im Wandel, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1990
Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes, David K. DeWolf
Assumption of Risk and Abnormally Dangerous Activities: A Proposal, David K. DeWolf
State Action under the Religion Clauses: Neutral in Result or Neutral in Treatment, David K. DeWolf
Using Shareholder Notes to Eliminate Section 357(c) Gain: Lessinger v. Commissioner, 872 F.2d 519 (2d Cir. 1989), Correct Result, Wrong Reason, John F. Hernandez
Justification in The Killing of an Innocent Person, John Makdisi
A Comprehensive Assessment of Employment Drug Testing: Legal Battles Over Delicate Interests, Stephen Plass
Bias V. Difference: An Analysis for Those Who Just Don't Get It, Ellen Podgor and Leonard Pertnoy
Home Rule In Florida: A Critical Appraisal, Mark J. Wolff
The Name Game--Playing to Win Under 9-402 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Julianna Zekan
Submissions from 1989
Proportional Liability: A Comprehensive Rule to Apportion Tort Damages Based on Probability, John Makdisi
Submissions from 1988
How to Do a Perpetuities Problem, John Makdisi
Submissions from 1987
Several Liability and the Effect of Settlement on Claim Reduction: Further Thoughts, David K. DeWolf
The Teaching of Space Law Around the World, Siegfried Wiessner
Flaws in the Interpretation of INA Section 101(a)(42) and In the Denial of Refugee Status to Cambodians In Thailand, Claire Wright
Submissions from 1986
Islamic Law Bibliography, John Makdisi
Blessed Be The Ties That Bind: The Nexus Between Nationality and Territory, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1985
An Objective Approach to Contractual Mistake in Islamic Law, John Makdisi
Formal Rationality in Islamic Law and the Common Law, John Makdisi
Legal Logic and Equity in Islamic Law, John Makdisi
Submissions from 1984
The Federal Tax Lien: Beyond United States v. Rodgers, John F. Hernandez
Fixed Shares in Intestate Distribution: A Comparative Analysis of Islamic and American Law, John Makdisi