Submissions from 2014
Redressing Politicized Spending, Daniel Epstein
Reconceiving Citizenship: Noncitizen Voting in New York City Municipal Elections as a Case Study in Immigrant Integration and Local Governance, Lauren Gilbert
Aereo’s Errors, Ira Steven Nathenson
Perceptions of Lawyers on Career Transition, Transferable Skills, and Preparation for Community College Leadership, Thomas Nguyen
Marshalling the Forces of Good: Religion and the Fight Against Human Trafficking, Roza Pati
Live Free and Nullify: Against Purging Capital Juries of Death Penalty Opponents, Robin M. Peguero
Throwing Truckers under the Bus - An Evaluation of the Federal Ban on Hand-Held Mobile Telephone Use by Operators of Commercial Motor Vehicles, Brian C. Potts
Pedagogically Sound Cuts, Tighter (Not Looser) Accreditation Standards, And a Well-Oiled Doomsday Machine: The Responsible Way Out of The Crisis In Legal Education, Jay Sterling Silver
Responsible Solutions: Reply to Tamatha and Campos, Jay Sterling Silver
Democratizing International Arbitration? Mass Claims Proceedings in Abaclat v. Argentina, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 2013
The Reductio Ad Absurdum of Regulating Corruption, Daniel Epstein
Obama's Ruby Slippers: Enforcement Discretion in the Absence of Immigration Reform, Lauren Gilbert
Super-Intermediaries, Code, Human Rights, Ira Steven Nathenson
Human Trafficking: An Issue of Human and National Security, Roza Pati
Sixth Amendment — Assistance of Counsel — Retroactivity — Chaidez v. United States, Robin M. Peguero
Using Pyett to Counter The Fall of Contract-Based Unionism in a Global Economy, Stephen Plass
The Powers of the President, Siegfried Wiessner
Torture at Home: Borrowing from the Torture Convention to Define Domestic Violence, Claire Wright
A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis of the Use of Eminent Domain to Create A Leasehold, Carol L. Zeiner
Kelo Through the Lens of Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Carol L. Zeiner
Marching Across the Putative BIack/White Race Line: A Convergence of Narratology, History, and Theory, Carol L. Zeiner
Submissions from 2012
Strategic Equality and the Failure of Affirmative Action Law, Major G. Coleman
Gmail.Gov: When Politics Gets Personal, Does the Public Have a Right to Know?, Michael D. Epson and Daniel Epstein
Immigrant Laws, Obstacle Preemption and the Lost Legacy of McCulloch, Lauren Gilbert
Guilt, Greed, and Furniture: Using Mel Brooks's The Twelve Chairs to Teach Dying Declarations, Lenora P. Ledwon
Uncaring Justice: Why Jacque v Uncaring Justice: Why Jacque v. Steenber . Steenberg Homes W g Homes Was Wrongly Decided, John Makdisi
Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Teaching Law with Online Simulations, Ira Steven Nathenson
Domestic Servitude: a Contemporary Form of Slavery, Roza Pati
Trading in Humans: A New Haven Perspective, Roza Pati
The Case Against Tamanaha's Motel 6 Model of Legal Education, Jay Sterling Silver
Pope Pius XI's Extraordinary - but Undeserved - Praise of the American Supreme Court, David R. Upham
Submissions from 2011
An Empirical Study of Obstacle Preemption in the Supreme Court, Gregory M. Dickinson
Calibrating Chevron for Preemption, Gregory M. Dickinson
Indigenous Sovereignty, Culture, and International Human Rights Law, Lorie M. Graham and Siegfried Wiessner
Best Practices for the Law of the Horse: Teaching Cyberlaw and Illuminating Law Through Online Simulations, Ira Steven Nathenson
Mandatory Arbitration as an Employer's Contractual Prerogative: The Efficiency Challenge to Equal Employment Opportunity, Stephen Plass
The Cultural Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Achievements and Continuing Challenges, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 2010
The Washington Supreme Court and the State Constitution: A 2010 Assessment, David K. DeWolf
An Interpretive Framework for Narrower Immunity Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, Gregory M. Dickinson
Chevron's Sliding Scale in Wyeth v. Levine, Gregory M. Dickinson
The 26th Mile: Empathy and The Immigration Decisions of Justice Sotomayor, Lauren Gilbert
Civil Procedures for a World of Shared and User-Generated Content, Ira Steven Nathenson
Exploring Animal Rights as an Imperative for Human Welfare, Stephen Plass
Private Dispute Resolution and the Future of Institutional Workplace Discrimination, Stephen Plass
From Bristol, to Hollywood, to a Land Far, Far Away: Considering the Immigration Consequences of Statutory Rape, Michael Vastine
Give me your tired, your poor… and your convicted? Teaching “Justice” to Law Students by Defending Criminal Immigrants in Removal Proceedings, Michael Vastine
Good Things Come to Those who Wait? Reconsidering Indeterminate and Indefinite Detention as Tools in U.S. Immigration Policy, Michael Vastine
Re-Enchanting the World: Indigenous Peoples' Rights as Essential Parts of a Holistic Human Rights Regime, Siegfried Wiessner
The New Haven School of Jurisprudence: A Universal Toolkit for Understanding and Shaping The Law, Siegfried Wiessner
The New Haven School of Jurisprudence: A Universal Toolkit for Understanding and Shaping the Law, Siegfried Wiessner
Censoring the Censors in the WTO: Reconciling the Communitarian and Human Rights Theories of International Law, Claire Wright
Eminent Domain Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Private Benefit Masquerading as a Classic Public Use, Carol L. Zeiner
Submissions from 2009
The "Teach the Controversy" Controversy, David K. DeWolf
Romance is Dead: Mail Order Bridges as Surrogate Corpses, Daniel Epstein
Citizenship, Civic Virtue, and Immigrant Integration: The Enduring Power of Community-Based Norms, Lauren Gilbert
Mothers Without Citizenship: Asian Immigrant Families and the Consequences of Welfare Reform (Book Review), Lauren Gilbert
Looking for Fair Use in the DMCA's Safety Dance, Ira Steven Nathenson
The ICC and the Case of Sudan’s Omar Al Bashir: Is Plea-Bargaining a Valid Option?, Roza Pati
US Immigration Detention: Policy and Procedure from a Human Rights Perspective-Introductory Remarks, Roza Pati
Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards: Self-Determination, Culture and Land, Siegfried Wiessner
Law as a Means to a Public Order of Human Dignity: The Jurisprudence of Michael Reisman, Siegfried Wiessner
The Cuban Embargo and Human Rights: Introductory Remarks, Siegfried Wiessner
The Reasons Requirement in International Investment Arbitration: Critical Case Studies, Siegfried Wiessner
Congressional Unilateral Tax Treaty Overrides: The "Latter in Time Doctrine" Is Out of Time!', Mark J. Wolff
Section 529 Prepaid College Tuition Scholarships: Help In Uncertain Economic Times, Carol L. Zeiner
When Keton Met Twombly-Iqbal: Implications for Pretext Challenges to Eminent Domain, Carol L. Zeiner
Submissions from 2008
National Identity and Immigration Policy in the U.S. and the European Union, Lauren Gilbert
Exploring The Limits of Executive Civil Rights Policymaking, Stephen Plass
Is Your Client Prejudiced? Litigating Ineffective-Assistance-of-Counsel Claims in Immigration Matters Arising in the Eleventh Circuit, Michael Vastine
Indigenous Sovereignty: A Reassessment in Light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Siegfried Wiessner
Reconciling Cultural Diversity and Free Trade in the Digital Age: A Cultural Analysis of the International Trade in Content Items, Claire Wright
Submissions from 2007
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Towards Re-empowerment, S. James Anaya and Siegfried Wiessner
Book Review: Ten Tortured Words, David K. DeWolf
Intelligent Design Will Survive Kitzmiller v. Dover, David K. DeWolf
Rebuttal to Irons, David K. DeWolf
Facing Justice: Ethical Choices in Representing Immigrant Clients, Lauren Gilbert
Summary Judgment in Florida: The Road Less Traveled, Leonard Pertnoy
Privatizing Antidiscrimination Law with Arbitration: The Title VII Proof Problem, Stephen Plass
Reconciling The Public Policy Exception to Enforcing Contracts with Title VII’s Public Policy on Disciplining Harassers, Stephen Plass
New Haven School: A Brief Introduction, W. Michael Reisman, Siegfried Wiessner, and Andrew R. Willard
Being Careful What You Wish For: Divisible Statutes – Identifying a Non-Deportable Solution to a Non-citizen’s Criminal Problem, Michael Vastine
Establishing A Leasehold Through Eminent Domain: A Slippery Slope Made More Treacherous by Kelo, Carol L. Zeiner
Submissions from 2006
Addressing the Scourge of Human Trafficking: The Challenge Ahead, Roza Pati
The Miami Declaration of Principles on Human Trafficking: Its Genesis and Purpose, Roza Pati
Dedication, Siegfried Wiessner
Hollywood's Disappearing Act: International Trade Remedies to Bring Hollywood Home, Claire Wright
Submissions from 2005
Fields of Hope, Fields of Despair: Legisprudential and Historic Perspectives on the AgJobs Bill of 2003, Lauren Gilbert
Essay: A Search for Reason in Fairy Tales, John F. Hernandez
A Survey of AALS Law Schools Teaching Islamic Law, John Makdisi
Reinforcing Title VII with Zero Tolerance Rules, Stephen Plass
Un Caso de Responsabilidad Médica:De Quién es la Culpa?, Dr. Dora Szafir and M. Florencia Cornu Laport
Corfield v. Coryell and the Privileges and Immunities of American Citizenship, David R. Upham
Zoned Out! Examining Campus Speech Zones, Carol L. Zeiner
Submissions from 2004
Teaching Harbeson, David K. DeWolf
Mocking George: Political Satire as True Threat in the Age of Global Terrorism, Lauren Gilbert