Handbook on Human Trafficking, Public Health and the Law
This booklet is the result of the Spring School on Public Health, Human Trafficking and the Law funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as an ERASMUS INTENSIVE PROGRAMME, held in March, 2013 in Siena, Italy. The aim of the intensive program was to present and analyze the problem of human trafficking in line with the perspective of the New Haven School in order to recommend concrete solutions. For this purpose, the trafficking of humans has been explored in relation to public health and the European law, in close cooperation with participating students and experts in medicine, social sciences, and law.
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human trafficking, international law, European law, international humanitarian law, new haven school of jurisprudence, transnational law
Human Rights Law | International Humanitarian Law | Law | Transnational Law
Recommended Citation
Kirch, Wilhelm; Wiessner, Siegfried; and Pati, Roza, "Handbook on Human Trafficking, Public Health and the Law" (2014). Faculty Books. 10.