St. Thomas Law Review
Fall 2013
Front Matter
John S. Clardy III
A Holistic Approach to Planning for the Aging Same-Sex Couple: Special Considerations in Light of the U.S. v. Windsor Decision
Melissa Lader Barnhardt, Jessica M. Lillesand, and Denise A. Lettau
Advance Health Care Directives: Problems and Solutions for the Elder Law and Estate Planning Practitioner
Brooke M. Benzio
Standards and Basic Principles of Examining and Evaluating Capacity in Guardianship Proceedings
Stephanie Villavicencio and Alex Cuello
Long-Term Care Insurance: A Life Raft for Baby Boomers
Enrique Zamora, Deborah Nodar, and Krista Ogletree
Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care: Is Florida Ready
Rebecca C. Bell
Filial Responsibility: Breaking the Backbone of Today's Modern Long Term Care System
Twyla Sketchley and Carter McMillan