St. Thomas Law Review
Front Matter
Editor in Chief's Welcome
D. Michael Bitz
President's Welcome
Franklyn M. Casale
Keynote Address: The Human Genome Project: The Central Ethical Challenge
Edmund D. Pellegrino
The Human Genome in the Public View: Genetics, Geneticists, and Eugenics
Mary Kay Pelias and Nathan J. Markward
On Genetic Engineering and the Idea of the Sacred: A Secular Argument
Gregory E. Kaebnick
Gentetically Engineering People: A Jewish Law Analysis of Personhood
Michael J. Broyde
Islam and the New Genetics
Mohamed Fadel
A Protestant Perspective on the New Genetics: Are People and Institutions of Faith Prepared to Lead
Jesse C. Jones
Genetic Breakthroughs and the Limits of Medicine: Short Stature, Growth Hormone, and the Idea of Dysfunction
Peter H. Schwartz
Science, Philosophy, and the Courts
Jason Borenstein