Most Recent Additions*
Judicial Response to Changing Societal Values on the Death Penalty: Must the Method Chosen Be the Most Humane
Brian P. Hill
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. FCC: The Supreme Court Establishes a Standard of Review for First Amendment Issues Involving Cable Litigation
Kathryn Seagle Robbie
Dolan v. Tigard: Taking a New Look at an Old Takings Issue
Andrew S. Yagoda
Dolan v. Tigard: The Myth and Reality of Its Impact on Takings Jurisprudence and Land Use Regulation
Stephen Truesdale Carney
How the Exception Makes the Rule: Agency Waiver of Statutes, Rules, and Precedent in Florida
F. Scott Boyd
Non-Delegation Doctrine and the Florida Supreme Court: What You See Is Not What You Get
John E. Fennelly
Trial by Tabloid
Mercy Hermida
Separating the Victim from the Abuser: Chapter 94-135 and the Florida Legislature's Most Recent Attempts to Control Domestic Violence
Diane F. Medley
From the Battlefront to the Homefront: Infrared Surveillance and the War on Drugs Place Privacy under Siege
Lynne M. Pochurek
The New Rollover Rules and Twenty Percent Withholding Tax on Pension Distributions: Does Good Pension Policy Favor Their Repeal
Leandra Lederman Gassenheimer
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Confronting the Difficult Constitutional and Institutional Liability Issues
James T. O'Reilly and JoAnn M. Strasser
Overview of the Indian Child Welfare Act
Michael C. Snyder
Congress' Authority to Abrogate a State's Eleventh Amendment Immunity from Suit: Will Seminole Tribe v. Florida be Seminal
Jeffrey B. Mallory
Indian Gaming Regulatory Act: An Overview
Michael D. Cox
*Updated as of 03/31/25.