Most Recent Additions*
Judicial Review of Security Clearances for Homosexual Post--U.S. Department of the Navy v. Egan
Christopher Scott Maravilla
Miccosukee Wars in the Everglades: Settlement, Litigation, and Regulation to Restore an Ecosystem
Alfred R. Light
Good Science or Myopia: Will the 1991 Everglades Settlement Lead to an Optimal Restoration or Will Phosporus Reductions be Taken Too Far
William H. Green and Gary V. Perko
The Everglades Ecosystem: From Engineering to Litigation to Consensus-Based Restoration
John J. Fumero and Keith W. Rizzardi
This Time For Sure--A Political and Legal History of Water Control Projects in Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades
David G. Guest
Introduction to Everglades Symposium Special Topic
J. Allison DeFoor II and Jennifer L. Fitzwater
Alternatives in Fighting Street Gangs: Criminal Anti-Gang Ordinances v. Public Nuisance Laws
Silvia Perez
Legal Ethics & Religion: An Oxymoron Essay
Helen Berrigan
The South Carolina Secession Statement of 1860 and the One Florida Initiative: The Limits of a Historical Analogy and the Possibility of Racial Reconciliation
Martina D. Carcieri
Too Young to Understand--Extending Equal Access to All Children in Public Schools Regardless of Age
David Woodcock
Maritime Law Uniformity and Federalism after Yamaha V and Dohsa Amendment: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Attilio M. Costabel
Algorithmic Dead Hands: What is Dead May Never Die
Zachary L. Catanzaro
Science, Philosophy, and the Courts
Jason Borenstein
*Updated as of 02/17/25.