Submissions from 1989
Proportional Liability: A Comprehensive Rule to Apportion Tort Damages Based on Probability, John Makdisi
Submissions from 1988
How to Do a Perpetuities Problem, John Makdisi
Submissions from 1987
Several Liability and the Effect of Settlement on Claim Reduction: Further Thoughts, David K. DeWolf
The Teaching of Space Law Around the World, Siegfried Wiessner
Flaws in the Interpretation of INA Section 101(a)(42) and In the Denial of Refugee Status to Cambodians In Thailand, Claire Wright
Submissions from 1986
Islamic Law Bibliography, John Makdisi
Blessed Be The Ties That Bind: The Nexus Between Nationality and Territory, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1985
An Objective Approach to Contractual Mistake in Islamic Law, John Makdisi
Formal Rationality in Islamic Law and the Common Law, John Makdisi
Legal Logic and Equity in Islamic Law, John Makdisi
Submissions from 1984
The Federal Tax Lien: Beyond United States v. Rodgers, John F. Hernandez
Fixed Shares in Intestate Distribution: A Comparative Analysis of Islamic and American Law, John Makdisi
The Vesting of Executory Interests, John Makdisi
Submissions from 1983
The Public Order of The Geostationary Orbit: Blueprints for The Future, Siegfried Wiessner
Submissions from 1980
Federal Grants in Large Sunbelt and Frostbelt Cities: An Overview, Claire Wright