"Celebrating Michael Reisman: The Inner World of Others - A Guiding Lig" by Siegfried Wiessner

Intercultural Human Rights Law Review

First Page



Michael Reisman is a beacon of light in the firmament of international law and jurisprudence. His retirement from his faculty position at the Yale Law School affords a welcome occasion to celebrate his work in the quest for a world public order of human dignity. Michael is the cherished leader of the New Haven School of Jurisprudence, an intellectual movement designed to combine the prescriptive purposes of the law with the empirical insights of the sciences to achieve the goal of the flourishing of human beings, through access by all to the processes of shaping and sharing all things humans value. It is the most comprehensive and creative, empowering theory about law and, indeed, its concepts and procedures are uniquely available for securing value-outcomes in situations of disintegrating public order and even the ultimate horror of normative tohu bohu. It is needed even more in this highly conflictual, often violent world.

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