
St. Thomas Law Review


Jennifer Garcia

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The supreme law of the land states: ". . .the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The Supreme Court has found that the right to bear arms for self-defense is protected by the Constitution. Most states have expanded on this right and allow individuals to carry concealed weapons as long as they become licensed by the state. However, this right to carry concealed weapons is surely subject to limitations.' In the state of Florida, concealed weapon permit holders are prohibited from carrying on college or university campuses. This restriction is not beneficial to campus security and is not fair to law-abiding citizens, who cannot protect themselves against violent attacks. Opponents of "campus carry" take the position that allowing concealed carry on campus will increase violence and do little to protect people against possible attackers. However, this is simply inaccurate. Allowing students, faculty members and staff individuals who are licensed to carry concealed weapons to do so on college and university campuses, does not necessarily have a negative impact on campus security. In this Comment I will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the college campus exception and argue why Florida should remove such exception.
