
Intercultural Human Rights Law Review

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Santa Fe is a beautiful, culturally rich and diverse city. I am a native Santa Fean, and my mixed Hispanic/Indian/Anglo/African blood reflects the ethnic makeup of the region. Each year the city celebrates a Fiesta. One component, the Entrada, celebrates the "peaceful" re-conquest of the Indigenous people by the Spanish colonizers. Controversy has arisen in recent years as activists challenge the memorialization of a tradition that they feel represents slavery and brutality. Linking their struggle to recent efforts to remove memorials to the Confederacy, they have sought to physically block the re-enactment, leading to arrests, collateral conflict, and the very real threat of future violence. How do we move forward as a society with the legacy of slavery that built this region and country? This article examines the historical, sociological, legal and religious conflict surrounding the Entrada. It creates a model for addressing a reconciliation not only of that conflict, but also the broader controversies regarding memorials, monuments and re-enactments of our complicated inheritance of slavery and conquest.

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